Заполните пропуски в вопросах,
пользуя слова, данные в скобках.
1 Where did you go last weekend? (you / go)
2 Who
to at the party? (you / talk)
3 What
in the shops? (she / buy)
4 How
back home after the film?
(they / get)
the football match? (your dad /
6 What
on your birthday? (you / do)
7 How many presents
for her
birthday? (Helen/get)
8 Why
Paul to his party? (Tom /

СлаваБорисов123 СлаваБорисов123    3   27.02.2021 08:11    4

SerenaWilliamsisa SerenaWilliamsisa  29.03.2021 08:13

2. Who did you talk to at the party?

3. What did she buy in the shops?

4. How did they get back home after the film?

5. Did your dad see the football match?

6. What did you do on your birthday?

7. How many presents did Helen get for her birthday?

8. Why Tom didn't invite Paul to his party?

в последнем предложении можно поставить и did, получится "Почему Том позвал/ не позвал Пола на свою вечеринку". Я поставил didn't , так как так больше подходит.


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