Заполните пропуски в тексте о себе, семье/ друге, используя идиомы и поговорки о еде. Вместо
one’s должно быть притяжательное местоимение: one’s cup of tea - I like drawing. It’s my cup of tea.
Поставьте притяжательное местоимение вместо “one’s”.

1. I don’t usually talk about ... with my parents/ friends. It’s a hot potato for us. 2. I can ... . It’s a piece of
cake for me. 3. I would like ... (what sphere?) to be my bread and butter. 4. Nowadays ... is/ are selling like
hot cakes. 5. I think a bad egg is a person who ... . 6. When my ..., he/ she is as cool as a cucumber. 7. ...
(doing what?) is as easy as pie for me. 8. My friends and I are full of beans when we ... (do what?). 9. ... (a
school subject/ a hobby) is my cup of tea. 10. When my family eat, we (don’t) follow the rule “An apple a
day keeps a doctor away”. 11. My ... tries to have ... (one’s) cake and eat it when he/ she ... and ... at the
same time. 12. I have to choose between (a) ... and (a) ... when I spend my pocket money because I can’t
have ... (one’s) cake and eat it too. 13. My ... eats ... (one’s) words when he/ she says anything ... (wrong/
insulting/...?) to ... (whom?). 14. I try not to be upset about ... (what problem?) because it’s no use crying
over spilt milk. 15. In my opinion, a ... (a representative of what profession?)/ my ... has a finger in every
pie as they/ he/ she is/ are involved in lots of different activities, such as ... .

fylkis fylkis    2   22.04.2020 00:30    2

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