Заполните пропуски в тексте:
Из этого списка trigger / shaking / green with envy/
teased / go through the roof / yell / melt away / is over the moon /activate/ screamed / irrational / embarrass / beat/
1) A phobia is a (n) ___ fear of something which cannot really hurt you
2) She about her new job
3) They were when they saw my new car
4) It's bad enough that Tim is afraid of spiders, but beingabout it by his friends makes him feel even worse.
5) Tracy is so afraid of being in enclosed spaces that just thinking about getting into a lift makes her heart faster
6) David was very nervous about getting a speech in class, and started like a leaf
7) Mum jumped on a chair and loudly when she saw a mouse in the kitchen
8) He didn't want to her by asking questions
9) I don't know where my money goes - it just seems to
10) Dad will when he finds out you've taken the car without asking first.