Заполните пропуски в тексте глаголами из списка: can, can, can, must, must, required to, must not, should, allowed to, do not have to. Overseas visitors … use their usual driving licences in New South Wales but … have proof that they are simply visiting. You are also … carry your licence with you whenever you are driving. You … drive without wearing a seat belt. Driving is not the ideal way to get around central Sydney, although a car … be very convenient for journeys into the suburbs and further afield. If you are planning to use a car you … purchase a good street directory. The city centre is often congested and it … be difficult to find a parking place. Look out for the blue and white ‘P’ signs. You … pay at a meter after 6.30 pm on weekends, on Saturday afternoons and all day Sunday.
At some intersections, which are clearly signposted, drivers are … make a left-hand turn at a red light after stopping, but … give way to pedestrians.

KseniaRogalina KseniaRogalina    3   21.09.2020 04:18    5

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