Заполните пропуски в предложениях, употребив глаголы, данные в скобках, в форме герундия или инфинитива (если использование герундия в данном случае невозможно). 1. they'd like to visit (visit) us on sunday at 5 o'clock. 2. she loves (climb) mountains. 3. would you like (go out)? 4. do you really want (do) it? 5. deborah prefers (join) the classical music lovers' society. 6. tom would like (go) to the gym. 7. my brother hates (clean) the bathroom. 8. my parents want (move) to the city. 9. i like (travel) to different countries. 10. we'd like (invite) him for dinner. заранее

alinapavlova alinapavlova    1   27.09.2019 06:40    0

4РИМ 4РИМ  21.08.2020 16:40

1. They'd like to visit us on Sunday at 5 o'clock. 2. She loves climbing_mountains. 3. Would you like to_go out? 4. Do you really want to_do it? 5. Deborah prefers joining the Classical Music Lovers' Society. 6. Tom would like to_go to the gym. 7. My brother hates cleaning the bathroom. 8. My parents want to_move to the city. 9. I like_travelling to different countries. 10. We'd like to_invitehim for dinner.

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