Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя was, were, wasn’t, weren’t

1. There a lot of people in the fast food restaurant last night. It was very busy!

2. « Katie at school last week? » «No, she . She was sick.»

3. «These flowers are beautiful. they expensive?» » No, they «

4. James and Sharlotte in the florist’s? Yes, they .

5. That’s a pretty dress. it in the sale? Yes, it .

6. there a toy shop in that shopping centre? No, there .

7. Where you yesterday, Sam? I at the zoo with my mum.

8. We at home last night. We at the cinema with friends. ​

ДАШАСОКОЛОВА321 ДАШАСОКОЛОВА321    1   12.05.2020 14:26    0

yarikser4 yarikser4  14.10.2020 14:29

1. were

2. Was, wasn't

3. Were, weren't

4. Were, were

5. Was, was

6. Was, weren't

7. were, was

8. weren't, were

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