Заполните пропуски в данных вопросах к подлежащему правильными глаголами в past simple (indefinite) по смыслу и дайте короткие ответы: 1. yesterday? 2. piano yesterday? 3. home yesterday? 4. who fish for lunch? 5. you to the theatre? 6. fax from london? 7. your homework at classes yesterday? 8. mistakes last time? 9. the music yesterday? 10. article?
2. Who.played the piano yesterday?My cousin did.
3. Who.was at home yesterday? My grandparents were.
4. Who had fish for lunch? Anna did.
5. Who took you to the theatre? My father did.
6. Who sent.a fax from London? Our partners did.
7. Who checked your homework at classes yesterday?my teacher did
8. Who corrected .your mistakes last time? my teacher did
9. Who listened to the music yesterday? my mother did.
10. Who wrot(read).an article?me brother did