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Test No.1
In 1626, William Blackstone, a 1 Church of England clergy-man, became the first European 2 in Shawmut. He had been 3 a deed of 50 acres on the 700 acres of the peninsula plus the “rights” to the 4area. On the slopes of what was to become Beacon Hill, he built himself a small 5, kept 6 acres and sold the rest of his “rights” for future colonists.
In 1630, John Winthrop 6 a colony at the 7of Beacon Hill on the Shawmut Peninsula for a small group of Puritans who came from religious and political persecution, and with their 8. John Winthrop, they settled and changed the name of Shawmut to Boston 9 the town they had come from in England.
1. a) bygone b) former c) late d) old
2. a) resident b) inhabitant c) occupant d) settler
3. a) awarded b) donated c) allowed d) granted
4. a) entire b) all c) total d) whole
5. a) lodge b) hut c) cottage d) bungalow
6. a) built b) created c) established d) provided
7. a) bottom b) base c) foot d) ground
8. a) leader b) director c) guide d) conductor
9. a) by b) from c) after d) for
Test No.2
Boston Common with over 50 acres of green 1 , magnificent trees and serene waterways, is America’s oldest public park. Despite the 2 atmosphere it has an exciting 3 past. In 1634 the land was 4 for a military 5 and the British Army used it as a camp during the Revolution. In 1775 they used it as a base from which to 6 their assaults on the colonial resistance of Lexington and Concord. After the Revolution the townspeople owned it as a common 7 for their cattle until 1830. Frog Pond was the place for duels and also for hangings. In contrast? It was used for many 8 and concerts.
1. a)sites b)lawns c)fields d)meadows
2. a)pacific b)quiet c)calm d)inactive
3. a)mighty b)intensive c)powerful d)violent
4. a)taken b)purchased c)obtained d)acquiered
5. a)scene b)site c)place d)habitat
6. a)launch b)throw c)begin d)introduce
7. a)meadow b)pasture c)place d)ground
8. a)parties b)celebrations c)occasions d)anniversaries
Test No.3
Our bodies send us many cues that 1 us alive and healthy. For example, when we swim underwater, our lungs begin to tighten and 2 as our need for oxygen grows. They send us an urgent signal – we need to 3 . Internal cues from our bodies send us important 4 regarding sleep, temperature control and pain. We ignore these cues from our body at great peril to our health. Hunger is an internal cue from our body telling us that we need nourishment. Hunger pangs are a survival 5; after a certain point starving people no 6 feel hunger. When this happens, they are close to death. Newborn babies cry when they feel hungry, and cry increasingly more loudly until they are fed. For an infant, the need for food is painful, immediate and all-absorbing. Good parents will 7 quickly and feed their children. Infants will eat till they are 8 and then stop. Once full and relaxed, babies sleep or play.
1. a)hold b)keep c)stay d)remain
2. a)hurt b)pain c)ache d)injure
3. a)exhale b)inhale c)breathe d)breath
4. a)notes b)words c)directions d)messages
5. a)tool b)device c)agent d)gadget
6. a)sooner b)longer c)far d)long
7. a)answer b)behave c)respond d)act
8. a)happy b)glad c)satisfied d)full

Учительнотупой Учительнотупой    3   26.04.2020 12:44    3

dlink162 dlink162  13.10.2020 21:34

Тест 1

1. Former

2. Settler

3. Granted

4. Entrie

5. Hut

6. Established

7. Foot

8. Leader

9. After

Тест 2









Тест 3










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