Заполните пропуски соответствующими неопределёнными местоимениями: 1. i haven’t got money with me. 2. i’m sorry but i didn’t have time to translate the text. 3. he never makes mistakes. 4. nick says he has english magazines. 5. there was in the street at that time. 6. have you passed exams? 7. unfortunately, i have friends in kiev. 8. did he tell you about the meeting? 9. she went last night. 10. sorry, but i can do for you. 11. there were __ newspapers on the table. 12. have you taken__ books from the library? 13. i think you have__ news. 14. i have never met him__ 15. he told me__ about it. 16. i know__ phoned her yesterday.

sasgat sasgat    1   26.05.2019 04:10    46

Viktoria235601 Viktoria235601  22.06.2020 13:20
1.some 2.some 3.any 4/some 5/somebody 6.your 8.something 9.us 10.something  11.some 12.some 13.any 14.before 15.something 16.you
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