Заполните пропуски соответствующими формами правильных и неправильных глаголов в круглых скобках (simple present, simple past), перепишите предложения и переведите их письменно на язык. 1 my father for a computer company from 1988 to 1993 (work). now he in a television company (work). 2 he a new car yesterday (buy). he and his wife to go on holiday to poland by car next summer (want). 3 they a few months ago (get married). now they (be separated). 4 she her boyfriend recently (leave). now she sorry for this hasty decision (feel). 5. my friend his flight to moscow last week (miss). he never anywhere on time (arrive).

3класс49 3класс49    3   30.06.2019 07:30    1

zhanylganahmet zhanylganahmet  02.10.2020 16:04
Worked, works
bought, want
got married, are separated
leaves, feels
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