Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be, to have. 1. those doors … black. 2. … these their children? 3. there … a mistake in my test. 4. there … three pens, two pencils and a book on her desk. 5. i … free time today. let’s go to the park. 6. they … a dictation yesterday.

Relig1d Relig1d    1   29.05.2019 20:20    1

мяеенри мяеенри  29.06.2020 07:04
1. Those doors are black. 2. Are these their children? 3. There is a mistake in my  test. 4. There are three pens, two pencils and a book on her desk. 5. I have free  time today. Let’s go to the park. 6. They had a dictation yesterday.
alinakuzmich324 alinakuzmich324  29.06.2020 07:04
Are are is are have had
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