Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be. 1. there … a lot of books in our library. 2. it … late when i returned home yesterday. 3. he … a handsome young man. 4. it … rainy and sleety tomorrow. 5. i … happy to meet you. 6. the day i got married … the happiest day in my life. 7. … you … present at tomorrow’s meeting. i think, i … . 8. what time … it now? it … 7 o’clock. 9. they … surprised to see me yesterday. 10. we … not struck by his behaviour last time we saw him.

akikoaki akikoaki    1   06.08.2019 18:40    3

Stoianova1988 Stoianova1988  04.10.2020 01:34
1) are 2) was 3) is 4) will be 5) am 6) is 7) Will, have 8) is is 9) are 10) are