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Drink, instead of, national, meal, lunch, tea, unhappy.
Everybody knows that the British like tea. 1. is more than just a drink to them – it is a way of life. Many people drink it with breakfast, then mid-morning, with 2. , at tea-time (around five o’clock), with dinner and finally just before bed.
For centuries now, tea has been the 3. drink of Great Britain. Tea has worked its way into language too. Nowadays, people have “tea breaks” at work, even if they 4. coffee or Cola. Many people call the main evening 5. “tea”, even if they drink juice or mineral water with it. When someone is 6. or sad/ the British say they need tea and symphony. In fact, tea is the best treatment for all sorts of problems and troubles 7. pills and tablets

tanabybka tanabybka    1   17.05.2020 12:18    5