Заполните пропуски предлогами места.
1. This is our classroom. There is a blackboard ...the wall. There are desks for students ... the room. There is a teacher’s table ... them. There are students sitting ... their desks. There is a bookcase ... (слева) of the door. There are portraits of famous scientists ... the wall ... (за) the class.
2. This is a reception desk. There is a receptionist ... the desk. There is a telephone ... the desk. There are blank forms ... a box. There is a dust bin ... (под) the desk. There is the front door ... (напротив) the reception. There is a guard ... the door. There is a small boy ... (среди) the visitors.
3. We have a lovely country house. ... the first floor there is a kitchen with an oven ... the corner and a dishwasher ... (рядом) it. There is a table ... middle of the kitchen with six chairs ... it. Bedrooms are ... the second floor. ... my bedroom there is a picture ... (над) the bed and a lamp ... it.

wfew wfew    1   28.04.2020 03:31    55

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