Заполните пропуски past simple или past continuous

1. last month, we the most amazing opportunity to head down to nashville (to have).

2. these an apartment when they both english in jakarta, indonesia (to share, to teach).

3. last year too tired even to make quality home design (to be).

4. while the tourists at the beach, animators coffee in the bar (to dance, to have).

5. there a rain in november in 2016 (to be).

6. in the late 1600s, the british all non-english ships from trading with colonies (to forbid).

7. we busy building our new country house that year (to be).

8. our friend’s dog us as around the neighborhood (to follow, to walk).

9. the student up the escalator while it (to run, to move).​

valu49 valu49    3   07.11.2019 20:54    9

kvastalkerr kvastalkerr  10.10.2020 11:50
1. had
2. shared, were teaching
3. was
4. were dancing, were having
5. was
6. forbade
7. were
8. followed, were walking
9. ran, was moving
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