Заполните пропуски определенным или неопределенным артиклем: 1these are .2those are are at..office. office is large.4this is .. book.it is my is on..table.5she is .. student.she is student.6nike is..man.he is ..nice man.7where & they are on..table.8ann is his wife.she is .. economist.9where is .. letter? its in my book.10what colour is white.11this is lesson nine. is long. is not large.13this is.. tes.this is .. good tea.

умник1622 умник1622    2   14.06.2019 20:30    4

Дженнет2001 Дженнет2001  12.07.2020 09:29
1 These are brown desks. The desks are in the room. 2 Those are engineers They are at an office. 3. The office is large. 4 This is a book. It is my book. The book is on the table. 5 She is a student. She is a good student. 6 Nike is a man. He is a nice man. 7 Where are the telexes? They are on the table. 8 Ann is his wife. She is an economist. 9 Where is the letter? It’s in my book. 10 What colour is the cup? The cup is white. 11 This is lesson nine. The lesson is long. 12. The flat is not large. 13 This is tea. This is good tea.
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