Заполните пропуски одной из форм действительного залога. 1. I must have a break. I (have been driving/had been driving) so long.
2. Before we parked our car we (collected/had collected) the ticket.
3. I arrived on Sunday. I (was not, had not been) at home for two days.
4. The roads were blocked in the morning. It (had snowed, had been snowing) all night.
1. They got to the beach after they (were walking/had been walking) for hours.
2. She called the police when she saw the light in the hall.
3. His English was perfect. He was studying it since he started school.
4. I was really hungry. I (had not eaten/had not been eaten) anything since the morning.
10. She doesn't go to work. She (has been ill/had been ill) since last week.

Sashska13me Sashska13me    3   04.12.2020 09:08    4

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