Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами или их эквивалентами (can, must, are to, should, had to, may, could): 1. it is he who … decide where and what sound effects and music … be used. 2. the director … be certain that each shot smoothly joins the previous one. 13 3. … you imagine life without films or television cinema's little sister? 4. only one person … watch a kinetoscope at a time. 5. chaplin’s mother … walk off the stage. 6. electronic systems … include automatic controls for exposure, focusing, flash, film winding, and film rewinding.

миша1078 миша1078    2   01.08.2019 06:40    1

angel0000l angel0000l  03.10.2020 19:27
Could,should,must,can,may,had to,are to
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