. Заполните пропуски местоимениями “much / many”. Переведите предложения. 1. I don’t eat … oranges. 2. He eats … fish. 3. Mary mustn’t eat too … salt because she has problems with her blood pressure. 4. There is not … space in my flat. 5. There are … students in the gym. 6. Please don’t put … pepper on the meat. 7. There were … plates on the table. 8. She doesn’t eat … bread, she is on a slimming diet. 9. … people learn English. 10. There is … light in the room, it has … windows. 11. … of their conversation was about the university.

plahowajana plahowajana    3   19.11.2020 13:21    5

Mila2019 Mila2019  19.12.2020 13:21

1 many

2 much

3 much

4 much

5 many

6 much

7 many

8 much

9 many

10 much light, many windows

11 much


many- употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными апельсины, студенты, тарелки, люди, окна

much- употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными рыба (как пища),  соль, пространство , перец, хлеб, свет, бОльшая часть разговора

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