Заполните пропуски глаголами is, are, am, was, were, will be, like или likes. Поставьте прилагательное в нужную степень сравнения. 1. Autumn ... (rainy) … season of the year. 2. Sam and Tom … (bad) ... dancers than Nick and Jim. 3. Diana … sunny days (much) …than nasty days. 4. A monkey … (fat) … than a mouse. 5. Mike … a (good) … swimmer in our class last year. 6. Yesterday Dan’s stories … (interesting) …than my stories. 7. Tomorrow it … (warm) …than it …yesterday. 8. Last winter there … (little) …snow than this winter. 9. Pam’s picture of a dog … (beautiful) … in her album. 10. I …as (smart) ... as my friend. ответ

Azerb1 Azerb1    2   20.05.2020 06:33    1

zzsasz33 zzsasz33  15.10.2020 01:21
1. is rainy
2. are worse
3. likes/ more
4. is fatter
5. was best
6. were more interesting
7. will be warmer/ was
8. was less
9. is most beautiful
10. am/smart
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