Заполните пропуски глаголами have / has или have got / has got (или их отрицательной формой ОЧЕНЬ
1) I …time to do the shopping.

2) … Lisa … a car? – No, she can’t drive.

3) He can’t open the door. He … a key.

4) Lily is very busy. She … much free time.

5) Do you want to … a cup of tea?

6) I usually … lunch at about 1 p.m.

7) My Granny … three cats.

8) She wants to … a party.

9) John often … a bath in the evening.

10) … you … a swim every week?

yakubchik2004 yakubchik2004    3   25.02.2021 19:21    2

RomisuRomi RomisuRomi  27.03.2021 19:21

1 have 2 has lisa got 3 hasnt got 4 hasnt got 5 have 6 have 7  has 8 have 9 has 10 have you got


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