Заполните пропуски: 1.last august my father and i…….. abroad. a). go b) went c) will go 2.i ……….. to the village next summer. a) go b) went c) will go 3. linda ….. going to visit her granny. a) is b) are c) am 4. my little sister …. to be a lawyer. a) goes b) are going c) is going 5. this little kitten….. a warm house. a) is needing b) needs c) need 6.look at that group of stranger tourists… along the street. a) are going b) going c) go 7.the children….. english very soon. a) speak b) spoke c) will speak 8. they ….. a lot of questions last monday. a) ask b) asked c) will ask 9. ……. are going abroad. a) i b) he c) we 10 . ……. am going to wear a uniform this year. a) i b) he c) we 11. vets ….. sick animals a) help b) are helping 12. listen! she ….. the piano. a) plays b) is playing 13. what are your hobbies? i….. a lot of hobbies. a) have b) is having 14. he pictures on the wall yesterday. a) draws b) drew c) will draw 15.most british pupils ……… school uniform. a). wear b) wore c) will wear 16.my mother ……… moscow last year. a) visits b) visited c) will visit 17. mr. and mrs. smith …. going to stay in a hotel. a) is b) are c) am 18. her elder brother ….. his job next month. a) changes b) changed c) will change 19. could i speak to miss smith? - sorry, she ….. an interview to a youth magazine. a) is giving b) gives c) gave 20. we …… a lot of balloons through the window. a) are seeing b) sees c) can see 21. tomorrow she ….. this text into russian. a) translates b) translated c) will translate 22. this year my sister often….. good marks in english. a) gets b) got c) will get 23. …… is going to study science at school. a) i b) he c) we 24. ……are going to miss a maths lesson. a) i b) he c) we 25. vets ….. sick animals a) help b) are helping 26. listen! she ….. the piano. a) plays b) is playing 27. what are your hobbies? i….. a lot of hobbies. a) have b) is having 28. look! the boys …… their homework. a) do b) are doing c) did

Аружан200345 Аружан200345    2   26.08.2019 16:20    0

дариямир12 дариямир12  05.10.2020 21:14
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