Заполните промежутки в предложениях: 1) weekend is … … of the week. 3) morning is … … part of a day. 5) parents are smb’s … and … . 2) family album is a collection … . 4) tourist attractions are places … … . 6) garden is a place where we … … .

Kg1 Kg1    2   23.08.2019 15:50    1

СакураХаруно17 СакураХаруно17  05.10.2020 14:52
1) Weekend is the last two days of the week.
3) Morning is the early part of a day.
5) Parents are smb’s mom and dad.
2) Family album is a collection photos.
4) Tourist attractions are places to visit.
6) Garden is a place where we grow trees.
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