Заполните письмо джейн глаголами в present perfect. complete jane's letter to her american friend. use the present perfect tense. dear amy i (1 not have) a letter from you for a long time. (2 you lose) my address? i bought the new steps cd at the weekend. i (3 already listen) to it. (4 you hear) it yet? it’s brilliant. there’s a new video too, but i (5 not see) it yet. school is going ok. i (6 just finish) some exams, but the holidays (7 not start) yet. we’re going to ireland. i (8 never be) there. write soon with your news. love jane

AlbertoRey AlbertoRey    3   23.06.2019 10:20    1

pustovoytenko1 pustovoytenko1  02.10.2020 09:19
Dear Amy 
I haven`t had a letter from you for a long time. Have you lost my address? I bought a new Steps CD at the weekend. I`ve already listened to it. Have you heard it yet? It`s brilliant. There`s a new video too but I haven`t seen it yet. School is going OK. I`ve just finished some exams but the holidays haven`t started yet. We`re going to Ireland. I`ve never been there.
Write soon with your news.
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