Заполните многоточия соответствующими неопределёнными местоимениями: any, no, nobody, anything, some, something, somebody 1. i’m sorry but i didn’t have … time to translate the text. 2. nick says he has … english magazines. 3. did he tell you … about the meeting? 4. i know … phoned her yesterday.

Katerina20015 Katerina20015    2   25.08.2019 15:00    0

Lapatkoanna Lapatkoanna  05.10.2020 19:01
1 I’m sorry but I didn’t have any time to translate the text.
2. Nick says he has some English magazines.
3. Did he tell you anything about the meeting?
4. I know somebody/nobody phoned her yesterday.
krskapoval krskapoval  05.10.2020 19:01
1 any 2 some 3 something 4 somebody 
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