Заполни пропуски модальными глаголами. (0) may i go for a walk? -no,you ( at home.it is very cold. -you ( do your homework. -( i play with my friends after that? -of course,you ( go to the zoo. you ( ride pony there. - ( i give water to the canary? -yes,you ( . you ( give clean water to the canary every day. ( i give a cake to the canary? -no, you ( give cakes to the canary.

diliana200405 diliana200405    2   30.07.2019 03:00    3

goodwar40 goodwar40  31.07.2020 22:54
1) should
2) must
3) May
4) can
5) can
6) Should
7) should
8) must
9)  can
10) can`t
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