Запишитетекст на о фигурном катание. кто этот вид спорта изабрел когда он появился и где был изобретен.

timofei2018 timofei2018    3   19.05.2019 15:30    1

Aieks01 Aieks01  12.06.2020 19:29

Russia is a  homeland of rhythmic gymnastics. It is our gift to the Olympic movement. As for British – soccer, for Canadians – hockey, so for Russia rhythmic gymnastics is  a subject of national pride. The term "rhythmic gymnastics" appeared  in 1934 in "The higher school of art movement"  in Leningrad state institute of physical culture named after P.F.Lesgafta. I think  this sport is  very graceful and very beautiful.

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