Запишите три типа предложений с глаголами в настоящем длительном времени (утверждение, отрицание и вопрос) a) i (to read) the book now. b) she (to write) the test at the moment. c) wo (to play) basketball at 5 o"clock.

mironmashstem mironmashstem    2   23.09.2019 14:40    1

savech11 savech11  08.10.2020 12:31
1) I am reading the book now.
2) She is not writing the test at the moment.
3) Who is playing basketball at 5 o'clock?
maxwinter095 maxwinter095  08.10.2020 12:31
I am reading now.
She isn’t writing the test at the moment.
Who is playing basketball at 5 o’clock ?
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