Запишите предложения, употребив глагол to be в нужной форме. 1. My college’s parents … economists in the past.
2. The founder of economy and of political economy … Adam Smith.
3. Are you sure, he … … a good specialist?
4. Students of our group … interested in lectures of accounting.
5. I … a student of economics now.

schakirovamarga schakirovamarga    1   20.06.2021 11:57    2

Мастер002 Мастер002  20.06.2021 12:00


1. My college's parents are economists in the past.

2. The founder of economy and of political economy is Adam Smith.

3. Are you sure, he is a good specialist?

4. Students of our group are interested in lectures of accounting.

5. I am a student of economics now.

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