. Запишите предложения и заполните пропуски there is или there are
1. … many museums in Moscow. 2. … a factory not far from my house. 3. … no ink in my fountain-pen. 4. … much butter on the plate. 5. … many leaves on the ground in autumn. 6. … a vase with flowers on the table. 7. … some English books on that shelf. 8. … four shelves with books on the wall. 9. … nothing there. 10. …much snow in the streets. 11. … a good refectory at our college. 12. … a beautiful lake in the park. 13. … many children in the sports ground. 14. … no tennis courts at the stadium. 15. … a new medical center in our town. 16. … many yellow, brown and red leaves on the trees in autumn.

aaaaaa251 aaaaaa251    2   20.10.2021 13:15    11

miki745 miki745  20.10.2021 13:20

there are, there is, there is, there is, there is, there is, there are, there are, there is, there is, there is, there is, there are, there is, there is, there are.


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