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KatyaDro KatyaDro  08.10.2020 17:57
The profession of economist originated hundreds of years ago, when they started to exist basic economic concepts: the goods, the exchange of money. Over the past century as economist has changed and expanded.
Economist collects and analyzes data on production activities, then assesses how she is successful and, ultimately, prepares the proposals of the management on the improvement of the technology of production and labour.
Economists were and remain the most demanded professionals on the labour market. 
In this paper we will consider all the pros and cons of the profession of an economist, the main requirements to the candidates, and the prospects for the future.
1. The profession of an economist
Economist carries out economic analysis of economic activities of the organization, developing activities to ensure a regime of saving, increase of work efficiency, identification of reserves, prevention of losses and non-productive costs, a more rational use of all kinds of resources. Performs calculations of material, labour and financial expenses necessary for carrying out the works (services), research and development in the development of new techniques and technologies.
Economists are working on several fronts. For example, an economist with the labour calculates the size of the salary for the representatives of each profession of accountant to Shakhtar. In addition, he knows how to evaluate the results of work of employees of the enterprise.
Economist of the planning Department to determine the most effective ways of profit earning. For this he expects first, what income you can get in the future and how much money it would take. He then considers income and considers how to use it. Thus, he plans to economic activities of the enterprise. Then economist will assess how realized his plan, that is to perform the analysis of implementation plans and the enterprise results. He will make conclusions and will begin to develop plans for the next term. 
The task of the economist in financial work - to create and distribute income and accumulation, to provide financial resources production. This specialist to ensure that the company meets its financial obligations to the state and banks, properly paid taxes, in time was calculated with suppliers.
There are other economic specialities: economists on contract and claims work, logistics, marketing, etc.
The one who wants to be an economist, first of all must love and good understanding of mathematics. In addition, the work of the economist requires accuracy and precision, but because it often has to defend the interests of the company, he must be principled and honest man. To become a competent economist, have to finish the UNIVERSITY of Economics. There they study the theoretical foundations of the economy, statistics, the foundations of the financial and banking activity. In addition, the economist must well know the specifics of the enterprise, on which he is to work. 
The main advantage of the profession of an economist is that economists were and remain the most demanded professionals on the labour market. Also a component of a high wages.
One of the main requirements of the employer to the candidates is the work experience in similar positions. In turn, this is a vicious circle, as a specialist, just graduated from high school, has no experience, and it will be difficult to get to the post of economist. 
But in most cases, graduates still can apply their knowledge and at work, in business, and in the financial sphere, and in science. But according to statistics, about 50 % of the graduates of economic specialties prefer to banks and consulting companies.
The personal qualities, which must have the economist include:
· Ability to analyze a large amount of information,
· Good memory,
· High concentration of attention,
· Patience,
· Sociability,
· Body

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