Запишіть правильну форму дієслова 1. How long you (to stay) at the party last night? 2. I (to be) tired. I want to lie down for a few minutes. 3. Where have you been? I (to wait) for you for 20 minutes. 4. you ( to like) classical music? 5. We went fishing last Sunday, but we ( to catch ) anything 6. My friend (to wait) for me when I arrived. 7. Take your umbrella. It (to rain). 8. It's the longest story I (to read). 9. When (Darwin/publish) "The Origin of Species"? 10. I'm sorry, I can't help you at the moment. I (cook) dinner. 11. Adam often (paint) pictures. 12. Derek is good at golf but he (play) very often. 13. When they. (tell) you the news? 14. He (be) a driver since he left school. 15 I (wait ) for 3 hours. 16. He (come) yet. 17. While I (listen) to the radio, the telephone rang. 18. As soon as the weather (change) for the better, we will plan holidays. 19. Scientists (study) the works by ancient Greeks and Romans.

Нннннннн11 Нннннннн11    2   04.05.2020 15:25    3

Natalii2017 Natalii2017  05.08.2020 06:54

1. How long did you stay at the party last night?

2. I am tired. I want to lie down for a few minutes.

3. Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for you for 20 minutes.

4. Do you like classical music?

5. We went fishing last Sunday, but we didn’t catch anything.

6. My friend was waiting for me when I arrived.

7. Take your umbrella. It is raining.

8. It's the longest story I’ve ever read.

9. When did Darwin publish "The Origin of Species"?

10. I'm sorry, I can't help you at the moment. I’m cooking dinner.

11. Adam often paints pictures.

12. Derek is good at golf but he doesn’t play very often.

13. When did they tell you the news?

14. He has been a driver since he left school.

15. I’ve been waiting for 3 hours.

16. He hasn’t come yet.

17. While I was listening to the radio, the telephone rang.

18. As soon as the weather changes for the better, we will plan holidays.

19. Scientists study the works by ancient Greeks and Romans.

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