Запешите общие вопросы к предложениям1. john was busy yesterday evening. 2. i prefer reading a book before going to bed. 3. i can play football very well 4. john was tired after work. 5. we live in a small town. 6. my parents got married in paris 7. she can lose her temper easily 8. the party will start in time 9. the dogs are sleeping. 10. the umbrella was broken. 11 y granny always gives money to me. 12 the boy is five. 13 the girl speaks english very well. 14. my friends can run very fast. 15. the song was not sad. 16. the lessons begin at 8 a m. 17. the films will be bad.

аноним0000001 аноним0000001    1   25.08.2019 01:10    1

Zufar1618 Zufar1618  02.08.2020 23:17
1) What day busy is John? 2) Where read a book? 3) Every day
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