Замените выделенные придаточные предложения сложным дополнением по образцу. Полученные предложения переведите на русский язык. Образец: I felt that her hand was shaking. – I felt her hand to be shaking. – Я почувствовал, что её рука дрожала.
We would not allow you were late every day.
I believe that he has done it himself.
They expected that I should come soon.
I don't like it when people behave like that.
I noticed that he gave me a look of sharpened interest.
He felt that the palm of his hand was wet.
The boys watched how the sailors unloaded the steamer.
I don't think these people were very intelligent.
We believe that he is worthy of our trust.
Did you hear that he talked of me?
The chemist announced that the result was excellent.

птмпль птмпль    2   05.06.2020 09:06    24

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