Замените сложные предложения простыми при оборота «именительный падеж с инфинитивом» 1. it is believed that they own a lot of land in the north. 2. it was thought that two prisoners had escaped. 3. it is supposed that he was married several times. 4. it seems that ann likes jack. 5. it happened that he had regulated the central heating. 6. it is likely that he marry her.

умник22822822222 умник22822822222    1   24.06.2019 16:00    3

katya200513 katya200513  20.07.2020 06:26
1. They are believed to own a lot of land in the north.
2. Two prisoners are thought to have escaped.
3. He supposed to have been married several times.
4. Ann seems to like Jack.
5. He happened to have regulated the central heating.
6. He is likely to marry her.
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