Замените словосочетание с of существительным в притяжательном падеже. 1. the wife of our teacher. 2. the ball of the toys. 3. a meeting of students. 4. a dress of a lady. 5. the flat of my brother. 6. the theatres of moscow. 7. the rays of the sun. 8. the population of england. 9. the children of my sister.

TINIkorason TINIkorason    2   29.05.2019 09:40    7

емдетей емдетей  28.06.2020 10:27
1.Your teacher's wife.
2.The toys' ball.
3.The students' meeting.
4.The lady's dress.
5.My brother's flat.
6.The Moscow's theatres.
7.The sun's rays.
8.The England's population.
9.My sister's children.
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