Замените придаточные предложения оборотом с Participle I: 1. When I looked through the morning mail I found the cable from the British firm.

2. The businessman who is having talks with our director now is our new customer.
3. When we discussed the terms of contract we changed the price of our goods.
4. I work in company which is selling power equipment.
5. When I have breakfast in the morning I usually look through the newspapers.
6. I think the man who is having installation problems is the manager of the plant.
7. When I travel I always reserve accommodation in advance.
8. We are going to contact the firm which is advertising the latest model of the boilers.
9. When the director came into the office he saw several people who were waiting for him.
10. When we write a cable we try use as few words as possible

cisjxhskxhha cisjxhskxhha    3   19.12.2021 06:20    0

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