Замените личное местоимение в скобках в общем падеже соответствующей формой притяжательного местоимения, и переведите предложения. 1. this is (he) table. 2. (we) house is there. 3. that is (they) garden. 4. this isn’t (i) key. it is (she) key. 5. where is (you) red pencil? 6. sally is (i) sister. 7. open (you) notebooks and copy out these words, please. 8. (they) parents are at the cinema.

Вэшоу Вэшоу    1   28.09.2019 11:30    15

Софийкф Софийкф  21.08.2020 17:28

1. This is his table. 2. Our house is there. 3. That is their garden. 4. This isn’t my key. It is her  key. 5. Where is your red pencil? 6. Sally is my sister. 7. Open your notebooks and copy out these words, please. 8. Their parents are at the cinema.

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