Замените действительный залог страдательным. 1.a van has taken the load. 2. tourists photogrates the kitchen every year. 3. they will advertise the product on tv 4. the gardener has planted some apple-trees. 5.look! they are repairing the bridge. 6.you should keep the flowers in a watm sunny place/

1010ВАДИМ 1010ВАДИМ    2   30.08.2019 21:20    0

DemEntrA132 DemEntrA132  06.10.2020 05:46
1 A load has been taken by a van
2 The kitchen are photograted by tourists every year
3 The production on TV will be advertised
4 Some apple -tree has been planted by the gardener
5 Look! The bridge is being repaired
6 The flowers are should be kept in a warm sunny place
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