Закончите текст, используя правильную форму слов в заглавная буква 1) to do it because it domaged buildings and other public places ( not allow) 2) pete johnson is one of artists.(this) 3)i've always and have always been good at it(draw) 4) graffiti artists, i never expected to be asked to show my work.(many) 5) we've painted very large pictures on the walls of old buildings in the city-buildings that really down(pull).6) they want to see more of it in city(they).7) graffiti begin a bad word.(stop)

Girjd Girjd    3   25.07.2019 15:00    0

scritinomerok scritinomerok  07.08.2020 21:02
1 weren t  allowed
2 these
3 drawing
4 many( a lot of)
5 pull
6 their
7 stops ( sorry i have doubts about it)
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