Закончите следующие предложения, употребив глаголы либо в Present Simple,
либо в Present Continuous.

1. have/ He … four cars, all of them Rolls-Royces.
2. speak/ She … four languages very well.
3. boil/ The water … . Can you turn it off?
4. flow/ The river … very fast today – much faster than usual.
5. go/ The moon …round the earth.

6. come/ Hurry up! It is time to leave. – OK, I … .
7. look/ Sarah is a foreign student. She …for a place to live.
8. improve/ My English is not bad. It … slowly.
9. talk/ Can you hear those people? What …they about?
10. listen/ … you to the radio every day?
11. stay/ Tom … at the Park Hotel at the moment.
12. get/ You must go now. It …late.
13. not rain/ Let’s go out! It … .
14. not live/ My parents … in London.

laura35 laura35    2   25.02.2021 11:28    6

Molderjkee Molderjkee  27.03.2021 11:29

1. He HAS… four cars, all of them Rolls-Royces.

2. She SPEAKS… four languages very well.

3.The water …IS BOILING . Can you turn it off?

4. The river IS FLOWING… very fast today – much faster than usual.

5. The moon GOES…round the earth.

6. Hurry up! It is time to leave. – OK, I …AM COMING .

7. Sarah is a foreign student. She IS LOOKING…for a place to live.

8. My English is not bad. It IS …IMPROVING slowly.

9. Can you hear those people? What ARE…they TALKING about?

10. DO… you LISTEN to the radio every day?

11. Tom IS STAYING… at the Park Hotel at the moment.

12. You must go now. It IS GETTING…late.

13. Let’s go out! It ISN'T RAINING… .

14. My parents DON'T LIVE… in London

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