Закончите следующие предложения. 1. they have not come … a) since 2010 2. he will leave moscow … b) by 5 o’clock tomorrow 3. we’ll have finished the work … c) yet 4. they have … seen this film. d) next week 5. she is abroad. we haven’t seen her … e) already заранее !

artem876 artem876    2   21.06.2019 21:20    1

yanastepina83 yanastepina83  17.07.2020 09:53

1. They have not come a) since 2010

2. He will leave Moscow d) next week

3. We’ll have finished the work b) by 5 o’clock tomorrow

4. They have … seen this film. e) already

5. She is abroad. We haven’t seen her c) yet 

MrSwister MrSwister  17.07.2020 09:53
They have not come a) since 2010He will leave Moscow d) next weekWe’ll have finished the work b) by 5 o’clock tomorrow    They have … seen this film. e) already 
 She is abroad. We haven’t seen her c) yet 
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