Закончите предложения, употребив инфинитив глаголов в скобках в страдательном залоге.

1. A decision can not ___ until the next meeting (take).

2. This building is dangerous. It must ___ down very soon (knock).

3. George might to America on a business trip (send).

4. The meeting had to ___ because of his illness (cancel).

5. The timetable was to ___ according to the new terms (change).

6. His car must ___ next Friday (repair).

7. A way to travel at the speed of light might soon (discover).

8. The people should about it (warn).

9. More roads should ___ in our town (build).

10. The news could ___ yesterday (publish).

SashaV2003 SashaV2003    1   05.05.2020 17:18    41

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