Закончите предложения, используя времена indefinite или continuous. 1. as a rule … 2. now … 3. ]in 1999 … 4. if you call me … 5. when the lesson began … 6. next sunday … 7. at this very moment … 8. when my mother comes home tonight … 9. at 6 o’clock yesterday … 10. usually … 11. 2 days ago … 12. he will do it when …

akarapiria4 akarapiria4    3   24.06.2019 19:50    0

dadshka dadshka  02.10.2020 10:30
1 as a rule,  i study english every day
2 now im doing my homework
3 i were/was born in 1999
4 if you call me then speak more clearly
5 When the lesson began most of students still were finishing their homework
6 next sunday im visiting my grandma
7 at this very moment im listening music
8 when my mum comes home tonight i usually fall asleep yet
9 i went out with my friends at 6 o'clock yesterday
10 usually i start doing my homework of math firstly
11 2 days ago i celebrated the international women's day
12 he will do it when he finishes his homework
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