Закончите предложения, используя модальные глаголы can, may, must, и их эквиваленты to be able, to be allowed, to have to, to be to в соответствующем контексту времени. 1. We say that the ability to generate motion is one of fundamental properties of muscle cells.
2. I looked at the man. I was sure that I had seen him before but I (not) remember his name.
3. My leg is broken. I walk.
4. In order to see the collection of microorganisms of the American Type Culture Center you use a powerful microscope.
5. If we want to be good specialists in medicine we master anatomy and physiology.
6. I take your textbook? I have left mine at home.
7. We had been waiting for a long time before we come into the room.
8. The research group is planning a series of experiments. In the course these experiments a vast array of problems be solved.
9. It’s very late. I go home.
10. he speak English in childhood?

ramn ramn    2   14.06.2020 00:52    6

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