Закончить предложения по тексту complete the sentences. a) ann became a vegetarian b) she told her c) she d) she feels that being a ann's point of view ann has been a vegetarian for a year and half."it happened all of a sudden",she says."i just couldn't eat meat any more.it made me feel sick.i felt so guilty that i soon stopped eating meat". when i told my mum i wanted to be a vegetarian,she saud,"no,no,no".but i talked to my dad and he said i could.mum took me to the doctor who gave me advice,and l've felt fine ever since.i gave up meat because i think it's wrong to kill animals.chickens and turkeys are the worst-it's as home animals.i eat eggs and cheese. i feel so strongly about vegetarianism and i think it's a healthier way of life. i feel really proud because turning vegetarianis a big decision to make.to be honest,i don't know how people can't feel guilty while eating juicy steak

Евгения65545 Евгения65545    3   10.06.2019 21:30    4

Маракуйя2002 Маракуйя2002  01.10.2020 23:56
a) Ann became a vegetarian all of a sudden.  She just couldn't eat meat any more.It made her feel sick.  She felt so guilty that she soon stopped eating meat. 
b) She told her parents that she wanted to become a vegeterian.
c) She eats eggs and cheese.
d) She feels that being a vegetarian is very good. She thinks it's a healthier way of life. 
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