Закончи предложения. впиши в них правильную форму глагола. be. am. is. are. 1 this a farm. the trees on the farm and old. the farm house old too. its roof red and its doors brown. the farm very nice. 2 my pets a dog and acat. the dog, chase, very big and the cat, sally, little. the dog black and the cat is red and white. 3 i a boy, my name peter. i eleven. i in moscow now. i like moscow: it big and green.

0Peppa0 0Peppa0    1   11.06.2019 10:50    2

fenx73 fenx73  09.07.2020 12:46
1. is.are.is. is.are.is
2.are. is.is.is.