Закончи предложения подходящими по смыслу вопросительными словами are the barkers doing now? is mr barker taking to the zoo? are john and sally running to the bus stop? is mr barker meeting at the door? are john and sally going with their friends?

zandaryanartem1 zandaryanartem1    2   12.06.2019 23:20    2

asyazakharchenko3011 asyazakharchenko3011  02.10.2020 00:49
1. What are the Barkers doing now? 2.What (Whom )is Mr Barker taking to the zoo? 3.Why (How ) are John and Sally running to the bus stop? 4.Whom is Mr Barker meeting at the door? 5.Where are John and Sally going with their friends?
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