Задайте общий альтернативный и специальные вопросы к следующим предложениям: 1) at the office she translates english articles every day.2)at the lessons we discussed many guestions yesterday.3) they are doing the grammar exercises now

ivanm29 ivanm29    3   02.09.2019 22:20    0

BakerTaka BakerTaka  06.10.2020 13:19
1) Does she translate English articles every day at the office?
    Does she translate English articles at the office or at home?
    Where does she translate English articles every day

2) Did you discuss many questions at the lessons yesterday?
    Did you discuss many or few questions at the lessons yesterday?
     When did you discuss many questions at the lessons?

3) Are they doing grammar exercises now?
    Are they doing grammar or speech exercises now?
    What exercises are they doing now?
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