Задайте общие вопросы к предложению: 1. We AREN`T watching a television
programme now.
2. We DON`T watch television every day.
3. It ISN`T raining very hard at the moment.
4. I DON`T hear you well.
5. It DOESN`T rain very much in summer.
6. Mr Johnson ISN`T eating his lunch now.
7. Mr Johnson DOESN`T always eat at that cafe.
8. I DON`T see any students in that room.
9. They DON`T like milk for lunch.
10. He DOESN`T have money for a new car.
Заранее !

Vika223344 Vika223344    2   02.07.2021 11:13    0

kayumovtanvir89 kayumovtanvir89  02.07.2021 11:20
Are we watching a television programme now?Do we watch television every day?Is it raining very hard at the moment?Do I hear you well?Does it rain very much in summer?Is Mr Johnson eating his lunch now?Does Mr Johnson always eat at that café?Do I see any students in that room?Do they like milk for lunch?Does he have money for a new car?
lagieto12345678 lagieto12345678  02.07.2021 11:20

1. We AREN`T watching a television  programme now.

Are we watching a television  programme now?

2. We DON`T watch television every day.

Do we watch television every day?

3. It ISN`T raining very hard at the moment.

Is it raining very hard at the moment?

4. I DON`T hear you well.

Do I hear you well? / Do you hear me well?

5. It DOESN`T rain very much in summer.

Does it rain very much in summer?

6. Mr Johnson ISN`T eating his lunch now.

Is Mr Johnson eating his lunch now?

7. Mr Johnson DOESN`T always eat at that cafe.

Does Mr Johnson always eat at that cafe?

8. I DON`T see any students in that room.

Do I see any students in that room? / Do you see any students in that room?

9. They DON`T like milk for lunch.

Do they like milk for lunch?

10. He DOESN`T have money for a new car.

Does he have money for a new car?

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